Веб сајт општине Владичин Хан

Петак, 5. Октобар 2012.

Tender procedure for Works

Tender procedure for Works

Standard advertisement for Competitive negotiated tender procedures

IMG1Construction works on the business administration facility "Centre for Exchange of Information on Cross-Border Cooperation" in Vladicin Han Municipality

Publication ref.: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-3/003/PP2/RL

Municipality of Vladicin Han intends to award a works contract for Construction on the business administration facility "Centre for Exchange of Information on Cross-Border Cooperation" in Vladicin Han Municipality with financial assistance from the IPA Cross-Border Programme Bulgaria –Serbia [CCI Number: 2007CB16IPO006 ]. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Municipality of Vladičin Han, Svetosavska 1. 17510 Vladičin Han, Serbia.

The deadline for submission of tenders is15.10.2012, 15:00o’clock at local time. Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website Vladicin Han Municipalityhttp://www.vladicinhan.org.rs.

Link: Works Procurement Notice /d2_procnotice_en.doc/

Vladicin Han Municipality 04.10.2012

Corrigendum and Clarifications regarding tender for Construction works on the business administration facility "Centre for Exchange of Information on Cross-Border Cooperation" in Vladicin Han Municipality under subsidy contract 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-3 [Budget line (BL6) Investments, Small scale construction /PP2). Publication Ref: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-3/003/PP2/RL

Link1: Corrigendum № 1
Link2: Clarifications meeting and Site Visit Minutes
Link3: List of participants/ Attendance List
