The official internet presentation of the Municipality of Vladicin Han  |  Cyrilic  |  Latin  |  English  
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ID of Vladicin Han

The town is located along the road Belgrade-Thessalonica exactly at the half of it, or more precisely, at 330km from Belgrade and also 330km from Thessalonica. The geographical positioning of Vladicin Han is interesting also because it is 60km away from Bulgaria and Macedonia. It is 20km west from Vlasina Lake. Its average altitude is 395 meters and average density population of 70 inhabitants per squared kilometers.

The Map

The tourist potential – natural and human resources, including leisure capacities, gives potential to confidence in developing of its offer. It is valid that existing conditions are good for tourism and that are not fully exploited. It is sure that they can be bigger than now.

The existing potential of tourism

This potential is mainly of transit character that is not used enough. It is clearly obvious that economic effect from tourism should be higher than it is today. Because of its geometric position the transit character of its tourism was and it is the huge asset. Taking in count the placing of the town it is typical to gain substantial meaning as transit point. From that reason the leisure capacity is located on the motor way Nis – Skopje – Thessalonica; the leisure capacity is made of Hotel “Turist” and motels “Han” and “Dzep”, two latter are privately owned.

The transit tourism

Hotel “Turist”, with capacity of 20 beds, is the oldest and the most important leisure object in town. It is located in the town centre at the place where was once a restaurant “Stara Srbija”. Considering organization, it is part of “Delises” that is now in the middle of privatization. The hotel has 7 rooms and 2 half – apartments, restaurant of 150 places to seat and a balcony with capacity of 80 seats. Motel “Dzep” is situated in a village of the same name, on the right side of The South Morava River. Its 10km from Vladicin Han. The motel is located in the north from the town in The Grdelica Gorge that is the most attractive part along the way from Belgrade to Macedonian border. This is unique, interesting and very nice object that is made out of a restaurant (200 squared meters), rooms for overnight rent (capacity of 29 beds), a summer beer garden (360 squared meters) and other secondary objects. Motel “Han” is located by the motor way 2.5km away from the town in a village called Polom. Considering how it is done and a value of its facilities this object is one that is significant on the international road from Belgrade to Skopje. It is made up out of a restaurant (88 seats), reception, 14 rooms (34 beds), specious balcony (140 seats), parking lot and mini market. Everything mention above it showed to be satisfactory to a transit tourist.

Alpine tourism

Potential to be used for further development of tourism in this municipality can be The Kukavica mountain that is located between Vranjska basin in the south, Leskovacke basin in the north, Grdelica gorge in the east with the tallest Vlajna summit (1441 meters). The Kukavica mountain has all the necessary preconditions for development of alpine tourism as well as hunting tourism. There is a lot of wild boars and deer in this area. The rest of the animals and birds, as well as the predators are domineering on this space whose owner is “Srbija Sume”. The capacity of the hunting house is 37 beds and of the alpine house is 48 beds. This mountain has the all natural requirements to be used for production of organic food.

Sport and recreational tourism

From the motor way one can see a sport centre that is distinguishable feature of the town’s recognition. The sports centre “Kunjak” together with its objects and areas of usage is located between the right bank of The South Morava river in the west and the motor way in the east, while is the road leading to a town of Surdulica is in the north. This centre is initiator and organizer of all activity in the area of the town’s physical culture. The whole area that is 5 hectares can be stated as the most beautiful and attractive in Serbia, 50% of it is a recreational facility while the other part is nicely done green area.

This centre is made out of :

  • city stadium FC “Morava” with capacity of 8 000 seats; with an auxiliary stadium and together with the objects used for the needs of football club.
  • swimming pool compound with :
    • the swimming pool of the standard size 20 times 50 meters including big water slide
    • children swimming pool with the small water slide
    • restaurant “Bazen” · ground for basketball with 500 seats capacity for the audience
  • ground for handball and football with capacity of 1 500 seats
  • ground for volleyball
  • ground for beach volleyball
  • mini-golf playground with 12 holes
  • runway along The South Morava river of the length of 1 200 meters
  • space for organizing recreational activities of preschool children
  • parking lot for 200 vehicles

All of these sports grounds are of standard dimensions and are lit by separate lights and are suitable for any type of competition.

On these sports grounds activities are happening all year around. Continuity are having competition of the town’s teams (FC “Morava”, BC “Han”, BC “Morava-Meca”, etc.) and with tradition of 40 years competition “Nocni turnir” in football that is taking place every year during July. At those occasions there is around 2 000 to 3 000 people watching it. During the summer months many cultural manifestations are going on : concerts, poetry nights, dancing groups, etc.

In the summer 2001 and 2002 The Centre “Kunjak” had had the owner to organize “The open football school party” where 200 boys and girls from the age of 8 to 13 played and had fun. During the summer of 2003 had been organized basketball camp “Simba basket” where around 200 children from the different cities in Serbia came in groups and learn how to play basketball. As well it had been organized a Danish football school “Open fun” with 200 children from Bosnia and Macedonia. These manifestations have all the attributes to become traditional that will happen every summer and gather a lot of children from different places.

This part of urban territory is enriched with other offers that make its ecological and esthetic value bigger as well giving it an addition to attractiveness. Those are varieties of wild animals and birds in cages or in specially designated areas, then airplane “Galeb” and more.

Development in tourism

The improvement of tourism in the municipality of Vladicin Han will certainly expand its prospects especially thanks to building of a hotel with its objects that will occupied area of 4 000 squared meters located next to the recreational centre between the motor way Belgrade-Nis-Skopje and The South Morava river. This should managed the problem of tourist accommodation.

The hotel is to be practical in diversity and will have these content: single bed and two beds rooms and 6 to 8 business apartments of which two are going to be luxurious that will bring capacity altogether to 50 beds with possibility of upgrading it to 70; the salon with 350 seats. The hotel will need to satisfied the needs of tourists in transit as well as business tourists and together with the centre “Kunjak” should represents a huge potential for the future development of recreational tourism. The project’s plan has been made. Also the reconstruction and upgrading of the objects that are part of swimming pool compound with 1 110 squared meters for accommodation in 9 three beds rooms. The project’s plan has been done.

The reconstruction of equipment for water cleaning of the swimming pool. The project’s plan has been done.

Updating of sport’s grounds in the centre “Kunjak” where the project is at its beginning. Regarding to growth of the accommodation capacity there has been planning of business-administrative building at the entrance of the town. For that purpose the huge shopping centre should be adapted into a hotel.

Updating and equipment of 30 village objects and building of 30 new ones for development of ethno tourism on The Kukavica mountain. Fencing of the existing reservation and finishing of the started protection. Building of the skiing cableway that should be 1.5km long, from the top of The Vlajna summit on the north side of The Kukavica mountain. This construction is in its early stage.

According to realization of the plans connected to the mention development and are related to The Kukavica mountain there is priority to built a road Brestovo-Jagnjilo-Dobre Vode-Kukavica in length of 13 kilometers.

Because of the demographic changes in our country Vladicin Han gets in signification towards rise in tourist demands. That is because the municipality’s territory is crossing the east-european road that is the most important for the tourists who are coming from the west and central Europe towards Mediterranean sea.

  Municipality Vladicin Han  |  All rights reserved  |   Author: Àãåíöè¼à ÌÈ  |  Visits: 3.091.804