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Utorak, 6. Avgust 2013.

Tender procedure for Construction Works for revitalization of public facilities in Municipality of Vladičin Han

IMG1Tender procedure for Construction Works for revitalization of public facilities in Municipality of Vladičin Han

Publication ref.: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-42-03/PP2

Municipality of Vladicin Han intends to award works contract for the revitalization of public facilities Sports Hall and Sports centre “Kunjak” in Vladičin Han, with financial assistance from the IPA Cross-Border Programme Bulgaria –Serbia [CCI Number: 2007CB16IPO006 ]. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Municipality of Vladičin Han, Svetosavska 1. 17510 Vladičin Han, Serbia. The deadline for submission of tenders is 06.09.2013. at 15:00 h (3 PM). Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website Vladicin Han Municipalityhttp://www.vladicinhan.org.rs.


- Volume 1

- Volume 2

Word docSpecimen retention guarantee
Word docSpecimen performance guarantee
Word docSpecimen prefinancing payment guarantee
Adobe readerGeneral conditions for works contracts financed by the European development fund (EDF) or the European Union
Word docSpecial conditions
Word docContract form

- Volume 3 (technical specifications)

Word docBill of quantities of external lighting of the tennis courts in sports centre “KUNjAK” in Vladičin Han
Word docBill of quantities of external lighting of the sports courts in sports centre “KUNjAK” in Vladičin Han
ExcelBill of Quantities for investement - technical maintenance works of Sports Hall in Vladicin Han

- Volume 4 (Financial offer)

Word docFinancial offer

- Volume 5

Word docDesign documents, including drawings

Word docGlossary

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